Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Skin of color"

Ok, ok, everyone has some sort of color and multiple colors, but today I will be informing you about darker skin. Now, my skin isn't all that dark (although I've been told otherwise), but it is a light olive tone, with yellow undertones, and tans easily.

It is very frustrating for women to find the right shade of foundation! It is harder for us "women of color"! We have such a variety of tones, shades, and skin types.

For foundation, I like to compare the foundation's color to my skin color in a mirror. If the shade disappears and blends in perfectly, it is the right shade.

I have come to discover though, that I need two shades of foundation. One shade for when I have not tanned, and another one for when I have tanned.

We also have to deal with other skin issues such as hyperpigmentation and dark scars. I have both issues to deal with.

If you have a skin picking problem, quit already! I tend to pick at my skin, and my skin always reacts by making dark scars that take a while to go away!

I also deal with hyperpigmentation, which makes skin of color look uneven or patchy. Protect your skin from the sun to prevent it!

Yes, we tend to tan and not burn because we have more melanin, but the sun's rays can still burn skin of any color in the right condition, and it just isn't a good idea to be exposed to UV rays without protection. Skin cancer occurs in every race, so protect your skin!

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